
To do list in onenote template
To do list in onenote template

  • To delete a task, press Ctrl+Shift+- (hyphen) to select the current line, and hit Backspace.
  • to do list in onenote template

    To add a note to your task, hit Shift+Enter: it will be part of the task when you select (see below).Tip: you can customize tags and their keyboard shortcuts (or even create your own!) If you are using the GTD method to organize yourself, OneNote tags correspond to your " contexts". Hitting Ctrl+0 (zero) will remove the checkbox and any category you assigned. To add more tags next to the checkbox: click on them in the ribbon or press the corresponding shortcut.Tip: OneNote remembers indentation, so hit Backspace to start to the left after the last subtask. To add a subtask, hit Enter at the end of the "master" task, and press Tab.Note: hit that hotkey again to remove the checkbox: that same keystroke cycles through unchecked checkbox, checked, and no checkbox (no excuse not to remember that one!) To mark the task as "done", click on the checkbox to check it, or press Ctrl+1 once more.Type your first task: hit Ctrl+1 to add a checkbox, or click on " To Do" in the Ribbon's Home tab:.Tip: click " Templates on " to find other free alternatives - select " Lists" on the left. Expand the " Planner" category, and pick " Simple To Do List", " Prioritized To Do List", or " Project To Do List" (just click the two others to preview their template, no need to create a new page for that).To create a new list from a template, click on the down arrow next to the " New Page" button, and choose " Page Templates" at the bottom (OneNote also shows recently used templates).

    to do list in onenote template to do list in onenote template

  • The easiest way to start a todo list? Start typing one item after another, hitting Enter in between.
  • › OneNote 2010 › Create to-do lists in OneNote 2010 / 2007

    To do list in onenote template