
Altium 360
Altium 360

altium 360

I was just pointing out that: a) Fusion 360 does exist and may be an alternative b) It is powerfull due to combining different manufacturing aspects c) Many of the concerns (like the ones you mention) may not be that important: Cloud based is probably as secure as using files locally (they can be victims of ransomware for example or you can delete them by acccident or the harddisk may fail, etc.) commercial application may be closed source subject to licensing, but then a typical project is developed over the period of 1-5 years - who cares about the files after that? And why should Autodesk or any other vendor stop selling their products? Finally, when you are using free/open source software, who will you complain with, when the software does not work as expected? Having access to the source code hardly means you will be able to do somthing with it, unless you are a programmer - in which case you will probably not be using the software as a user. CS has missing productivity features such as 'find similar objects' (my biggest gripe) and some minor bugs, but for smaller designs I still think its very usable. Yeh, sucker! AD is good but sometimes I miss the simpler CS interface. I've published a few small demo projects done with CS, they might help you get started: In the first COVID wave, Altium had some very good pricing for CS to AD upgrades so I jumped on that. CS PCBs can be easily imported into AD but the other way isn't so easy, although doable. So, its a good one for the CV if your trying for a seat at an Altium desk. Apparently Altium is launching an updated all-new CS but that was supposedly beta testing 18 months ago! The best bit of CS is that it has similar workflow to AD, with compatible libraries and schematics. Both of them have dropped the ball, CS could have been very good with some small effort, but they lost interest. CS was borne out of some kind of deal between Farnell/Element14 and Altium.

Altium 360